VReddo delivers innovative & practical learning solutions in Virtual Reality. Immersive & highly interactive training which has superior learning retention with the unique ability to simplify the most complex learning material or tasks.


Both products deliver a fully-immerse experience via the use of a virtual reality headsets (VReddo LIVE also now available for PC, Tablet & Phone), high-quality visualisations and stereoscopic audio.
VReddo LIVE & ON DEMAND are integrated within the TUTIS LMS platform so that attendance + auditable records are created and retained of all training undertaken in VReddo. These records include who was trained, when, on what course and what course version, delivered by which trainer/assessor, why they are qualified to deliver the training, who developed the training and assessments, and why they are qualified to do so, etc.
Instructor-led Simulated Classrooms

Use Cases for Training & Education
- Orientations & Site Inductions
- Remote onboarding + training of staff
- Lectures & classrooms within Unis, Schools & RTOs
“Game changing. Customer service training has regularly lacked the realism & impact to create a lasting legacy, however VR training immerses our staff in compromising service experiences and teaches them how to respond!”
Jamie Beresford
Practical, Engaging VR Simulations of Tasks & Activities
VReddo ON DEMAND allows users to interact in virtual environments, manipulate objects, perform tasks and solve problems. Learners can experience risk scenarios and learn how to respond effectively and appropriately in a safe environment – where mistakes are simply an opportunity to learn, not a life-threatening situation. VReddo ON DEMAND encourage critical thinking and problem solving in VR experiences that are tailor-made for your organisation’s needs and goals.
Virtual Reality Simulation for Superior engagement and active learning
Our interactive simulated environments appear and feel ‘real’ because they’re a highly visual and sensory experience. This feeling helps develop an emotional response and connection to the learning content, which contributes to the superior engagement over traditional learning methods because the learning is ‘active’ not passive.

Better results minus logistical and safety risks
VReddo ON DEMAND can be enabled to score and assess learner performance – all tracked through TUTIS LMS. It can help achieve better results than expensive on-site face-to-face practical learning and does so without any of the logistical or safety difficulties that can accompany such.

Always-on VR Learning Modules
Enable learners to study at their own time and pace in VR. VReddo ON DEMAND is always-on, curated modules of learning, developed in Virtual Reality to maximise immersion and engagement.

Immersive VR Demonstrations
Training in Virtual Reality often represents a change for many organisations. Effecting change often involves building a consensus amongst stakeholders of the reasons why change is required or why change will help realise superior results. Within VReddo ON DEMAND we can craft a 2 to 3-minute virtual reality production designed to showcase how your organisation could innovate their learning via incorporating virtual reality.

Benefits of Training within VReddo

More efficient
VR enables the creation of impactful experiences, enabling learners to virtually explore a physical location or operate equipment, significantly accelerating the learning process and removing the need for travel to such locations.

Increased Engagement
VR headsets ensure 100% of the learner’s attention via delivering total immersion in the training environments and content.

Standardised Training
Quality, standardized, evidence-based simulations that deliver the exact designed experience to learners every single time.

Reduced Costs
Scale learning simulation delivery without extra team or resources and distribute headsets to head-office, on-site or home to avoid the expense & inconvenience of either trainers or staff having to travel across the Country for training.

Eliminated Risks
VR training could educate your team on how to act in emergency situations but all within zero-risk VR environments. Eliminating any possibility of training induced injuries, whilst training how to perform under hazardous scenarios.