Consistently high care levels
Workforce Skills, Onboarding, Training and Learning Solution for the Aged Care Industry
Tutis Vreddo provides Workforce Skills, Onboarding, Training and Learning Solutions for training providers, such as Aged Care Facilities. The Tutis Vreddo solution for Aged care focuses on helping organisations manage rapid mobilization & onboarding, ensure optimal deployment of people and their competencies, and provide reliable, automated, paperless processes to deliver higher productivity and safer production.
Aged Care operations have unique challenges:
- You need consistently high care levels from your staff, and you need to provide consistent training and organisational development.
- You need to consistently meet quality standards for your management systems.
- Staff need to meet quality standards for health and personal care.
- The physical environment must be safe, and you need to establish and enforce safe systems and processes.
- Your reputation is everything. In the current age of social media, you need to maintain incredibly high care levels. It only takes one incident to ruin your reputation and tarnish your brand.
Some of the features you may like

- Quality workforce Onboarding
- Onboarding from home using eLearning before starting work
- Quality Checklists on iPads can be used online or offline
- On-going use of eLearning and paperless assessment, automated records management, significantly reduces staff down time
- Virtual Reality integration for live training, practice risk scenarios, plus much more
- Create your own daily task checklists for opening and closing the centre and everything in between
- Facilitates rapid onboarding and upskilling of inexperienced new staff
- Standardises Procedures and Processes
- Accessible on tablets and mobiles
- Alert, Notify and Report on exceptions, expired credentials etc.
- Email and SMS alerts, weekly/monthly reports

Ensuring staff have the skills to safely and productively perform their roles whilst adhering to compliance requirements is vitally important; Tutis Vreddo has the expertise and products to help achieve this. Our managed solutions take the complexity and risk out of Workforce Skills, Onboarding, Training and Learning management.

Aged Care Example
Use TUTIS_CARE to get new staff and locums up-to-speed quickly, including the use of pre-start onboarding remotely via eLearning. Use eLearning to keep staff informed and up-to-date with readily available access to current policies, procedures and forms. Enact quality checklists to ensure adherence with operating requirements, together with alerts and reporting driven by checklist data.