Meet the challenge of a new, remote world including Virtual Reality
Move quickly to remote training
Using Tutis Vreddo Expedited eLearning Service
Tutis Vreddo can help you move quickly to remote training by converting your existing face-to-face, instructor-led training courses to remote delivery including the use of Virtual Reality for simulated classrooms where required. This can be done for knowledge-based and, importantly also for practical, trades-based courses. Including either or both of the training and assessment elements.
Provide your existing material to Tutis Vreddo and we will work with you to quickly move it to remote learning. We will do this by working with you to create blended courses incorporating some or all of these elements:
- remote webinars or better still VR simulated classrooms and VR training labs,
- elearning knowledge courses,
- knowledge assessments, and
- practical observation-style webinar assessments
We will refine and load the elements into the Tutis Vreddo learning management system.
Get started with your most popular courses and have them up and running in a few days or weeks. Convert your less popular courses over time.
In times of change and challenge training is more important than ever.

Service Details
Tutis Vreddo will customise the service for your requirements based on these main options:
- Training-only Service,
- Training and Assessment Service,
- Use of Virtual Reality Classroom (instructor-led simulated classroom), and
- Use of Virtual Reality Training Labs for students to do simulated, practical tasks
- Live, video, interactive remote learning
- Delivering virtual face-to-face training
- Use of fully immersive holograms and virtual teleporting
The Training-only Service provides a Learning Management System configured only for elearning and including student enrolments.
The Training and Assessment Service provides for elearning and for assessments. It includes student management and enrolment capability optionally including self-enrolment capability with payment gateway.
These options provide for Tutis Vreddo to discuss your situation to determine with you the structure of each unit, for example what elements will be done via live video link/webinars, and what elements will be via elearning. It also determines how student system is setup manage the training structure and learning process.
Tutis Vreddo takes the raw training content material eg in word or powerpoint, discusses it with your subject matter experts and then converts it to the elearning standard SCORM for loading on to the Tutis Vreddo elearning platform. Tutis Vreddo can do all this work or can do the first few courses and then train your staff to do a significant portion of the work.
Similarly, for the Training and Assessment Service Tutis Vreddo works with you to take the raw assessment documents to build them in the software platform for e-assessment and other observation-style assessments. Tutis Vreddo can do all this work or can do the first few and then train your staff to do the remainder.
For Virtual Reality training sessions Tutis Vreddo can create the content for you, such as holograms and 360degree videos. Tutis Vreddo can also create VR showcases for you.
We recommend doing the process in stages so that you can get your most popular courses up and running as remote training quickly; and then in subsequent stages convert the remaining courses.
Technical setup of the software platform for hosting the elearning and assessments is quick given the platform is all cloud-based.
To get started email us on