Course Content
Our training course content development expertise ranges from the development of simple training modules with limited use of multimedia, through to more complex engaging e-learning solutions and virtual reality content utilising the latest in multimedia technology including:
- Simulations
- 360degree videos
- Holograms incorporating 3D models
- Production of Virtual Reality showcases and skillsets
- Games and Gamification
- Mobile Solutions
- Scenario-based Learning.

Courses for Purchase
Tutis Vreddo offers a limited range of Nationally Recognised units of competency “off the shelf” as e-Learning content for the units detailed in the list below. These units can be used within a Tutis Vreddo solution platform, or uploaded to any SCORM compliant Learning Management System (LMS) platform. Please note that some of these units of competency have been superseded, so the content is discounted accordingly and offered on an “as is” basis. TUTIS can aid with the coordination of any other required e-Learning content as committed within our enablement processes.
Tutis Vreddo does NOT deliver these or any other training courses to students.
BSBADM506 | Manage business document design and development |
BSBCUS501 | Manage quality customer service |
BSBFIM501 | Manage budgets and financial plans |
BSBHRM405 | Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff |
BSBLED501 | Develop a workplace learning environment |
BSBMGT502 | Manage people performance |
BSBMKG501 | Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities |
BSBRSK501 | Manage risk |
BSBWHS501 | Ensure a safe workplace |
BSBWOR501 | Manage personal work priorities and professional development |
BSBWOR502 | Lead and manage team effectiveness |
Civil Construction
RIIBEF201D | Plan and Organise Work |
RIICBS203D | Safely handle Bituminous Materials |
RIICCM201D | Carry out Measurements and Calculations |
RIICCM202E | Identify, Locate and Protect Underground Services |
RIICCM203D | Read and Interpret Plans and Job Specifications |
RIICCM205E | Carry out Manual Excavation |
RIICCM206D | Support Plant Operations |
RIICCM207D | Spread and Compact Materials Manually |
RIICCM208D | Carry out Basic Leveling |
RIICCM209D | Carry out Concrete Work |
RIICCM211D | Erect and Dismantle Temporary Fencing and Gates |
RIICOM201D | Communicate in the Workplace |
RIICOM301E | Communicate Information |
RIICOM302D | Communicate Workplace Information |
RIIMPO338E | Conduct Rigid Haul Truck Operations |
RIIQUA201D | Maintain and Monitor Site Quality Standards |
RIIRIS201D | Conduct Local Risk Control |
RIIRIS301E | Apply Risk Management Processes |
RIISAM201D | Handle Resources and Infrastructure Materials and Safely Dispose of Nontoxic Materials |
RIISAM202D | Isolate and Access Plant |
RIISAM203D | Use Hand and Power Tools |
RIISAM204D | Operate Small Plant and Equipment |
RIIVEH201D | Operate Light Vehicle |
RIIVEH305E | Operate and Maintain a Four-Wheel Drive Vehicle |
RIIWHS201D | Work Safely and Follow WHS Policies and Procedures |
RIIWHS302E | Implement traffic management plans |
RIIWMG203D | Drain and Dewater Civil Construction Site |
RIICPL301D | Install Water Mains Pipelines |
RIICPL302D | Install Stormwater Systems |
RIICRC201D | Repair Potholes |
RIICRC208D | Lay Pipes |
RIICRC301D | Maintain Drainage Systems |
RIICRC304D | Maintain Sealed Roads |
RIIENV201D | Identify and Assess Environmental and Heritage Concerns |
RIIGOV201D | Comply with Site Work Processes / Procedures |
RIIHAN309D | Conduct Telescopic Materials Handler Operations |
RIIIMG301D | Maintain site records |
RIIMPO308F | Conduct Tracked Dozer Operations |
RIIMPO309F | Conduct Wheeled Dozer Operations |
RIIMPO310F | Conduct Grader Operations |
RIIMPO324F | Conduct Civil Construction Grader Operations |
First Aid
HLTAID001 | Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation |
HLTAID003 | Provide First Aid |