About Us
Tutis Vreddo provides Workforce Skills, Onboarding, Training & Learning Solutions. From Resourcing needs to skills analysis, on-boarding, worker readiness, training Management, learning & competency development, through to availability. In addion our Virtual Reality modules which can include LIVE, instructor-lead, simulated training workshop platforms and practical, task-based VR training labs to deliver a fully-immersive and interactive student experience. Tutis Vreddo is born out of a passion to help build organisational capability by leveraging workforce skills and developing competencies thereby delivering higher productivity and safer production.

The TUTIS system objectives are to help:
- Lift organisational capability via effective workforce skills management
- Lift productivity via efficient mobilisation & effective onboarding
- Lift productivity via effective competency maintenance & development
Is your organization future ready?
TUTISVreddo is here to accommodate the MASSIVE change which is now underway.

COVID-19 has accelerated digital transformation
- Ecommerce
- Working from home
- Cashless purchasing

Emerging technologies are becoming mainstream
AI, Blockchain, 5G, Robots, Genome sequencing, Very fast global satellite internet, Electric & Autonomous Vehicles, Reusable space rockets, Energy Storage

Hence the need for tools for the new normal
Major increase in vertical saas products to solve real business problems

Many industries are/will be disrupted in the next two+ years
Retail sales assistants, professional drivers, commercial property management, operators, middle-management in general
Hence the need for massive program of skills re-training
Skills re-training will need to be tracked, competency-based and effective to deliver SAFE and readily ACCOUNTABLE production.
We Help Businesses Overcome Challenges
TUTISVreddo provides software solutions to address the following business challenges:

Manage Large, Complex Workforces
- Manage rapid mobilisation & onboarding
- Ensure optimal deployment
- Manage many different competencies
- Better managed staff retention

Competency Management
- Manage workforce skills expiry and on-going refresh
- Improve Competency skills
- Improve Proficiency skills

Transparency, Risk, & Social Responsibility
- Comply with evolving regulations, industry standards, and corporate competency requirements
- Fulfill higher governance and broader stakeholder expectations